Here are some Links customers of Greenhill Manufacturing might find interesting:

Data on 2 and 4 row freestall barns.
   Dr. John Smith - Kansas State
   (785) 532 - 1203.

Kansas State University Report Archive:

   Heat stress Abatement in Four-Row Freestall Barns.

   Keeping Cows Cool, Where do I Start?

   Freestall Barn Design and Cooling Systems.

   Fan Placement and Heat Stress Abatement in Four-Row Freestall Barns.

   Coping with Summer Weather.

   Reducing Heat Stress in the Holding Pens.

   Report of Dairy Progress - 2001.

   Just to name a few!

World Dairy Management Conference 2001 Proceedings

RHS Enterprises, LLC
   550 Western Avenue
   Platteville, WI 53818